Wu Tai a resident of Shanghai, China was said to be a diehard addict of the World of Warcraft game. After he spent 19 hours of playing, his friends saw him away from screen and violently coughing. Wu Tai had slumped back in his chair after a fatal coughing bout and was dabbing blood that was running through his mouth and nose. A gamer who was also playing at the internet cafe next to him noticed his discomfort and called an ambulance but Wu Tai was dead before it arrived. Once the ambulance came, the medical staff tried to resuscitate him but Wu Tai was long dead. It seems Wu Tai took his habit of gaming a bit far. Doctors often advice gamers, especially children to take at least 15 minutes of break after an hour of gameplay, not just World of Warcraft but any game. The video of the incident which has gone viral in China, and in which Wu Tai can be seen sitting on the far left PC and dabbing blood is given below :