Urmila, works as a domestic help in a residence in Kanpur, a city in Uttar Pradesh, India. She had opened a savings account by depositing Rs 2000 with the SBI’s UPSIDC branch in Vikas Nagar as a part of the Prime Minister Modi’s pet project, Jan Dhan Yojana. In May, she received two text messages from the bank made her sit up and gasp in disbelief. While the first one said her account had been credited with Rs 9,99,999 the other showed that Rs 9.97 lakh had been deducted leaving a balance of Rs 2,000. She was obviously shocked as she had not made any such transaction. She immediately rushed to the branch of SBI to get the matters sorted out Lalta Prasad Tiwari, an account holder who helped her open hers with the bank. When her account was checked, there was a balance of Rs 95,71,16,98,647.14($1492965631). Lo and Behold, she became the richest woman in the universe when her bank statement read her balance as Rs.95,71,16,98,647 ($1492965631). Rs 95,71,16,98,647 was credited to Urmila Yadav’s SBI account. VK Srivastava, a senior clerk who also officiates as manager, said it happened apparently because of a process undertaken to freeze a dormant account. Urmila’s account was dormant for some time as she had not maintained the adequate balance required to keep an it going. It was, according to the bank employees, a way to communicate to the account holder that he or she could no longer use the account. As a part of the process, the bank credited a made up figure and then deducted it. For Urmila, however all that matter was the Rs.2000 ($31) she had deposited in the Bank. “I do not want to contest as to how it happened. My only worry is the Rs. 2000. That should be safe,” said Urmila. The bank has now activated her account, which is showing the correct balance of Rs. 2000.

Woman from Kanpur becomes world s richest person for a day due to SBI accounting error - 81