‘The Interview’ is a film two celebrity journalists, played by Seth Rogen and James Franco, who land an interview with North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong-Un and are then instructed by the CIA to assassinate him.  North Korea has raised dispute over this film with Sony Pictures since July. Also Sony is lucky that this film has escaped being leaked on the internet unlike five other unreleased films which are now being freely shared on file sharing services and torrents. “I’m James Franco, actor, poet, artist, dude,” he said during his opening monologue. “Something pretty crazy happened this week,” Franco continued. “I have this movie called ‘The Interview’ coming out with Seth Rogen, it’s Sony. And this week Sony studios got all their computers hacked.” Franco used this opportunity to take a dig at the hackers #GOP,  “These hackers have released real personal information about everybody that works with Sony,” Franco said Saturday. “Social security numbers, emails, and I know eventually they’re going to start leaking stuff out about me.” He sarcastically revealed those details himself to the SNL audience, “I thought it’d be better for you to hear it from me,” he quipped. “Soon you’ll know that my email is, [email protected] My password is, LittleJamesyCutiePie.” Coming back to the serious business of life, Franco blasted the hackers for invasion of his privacy.  Franco said, “This is all just a real violation of my personal life.” His co-star in ‘The Interview’ joined him on stage and the two of them set about giving more information about the Sony Hack attack.  “It’s much, much worse than we thought it was going to be, man,”  Rogen said. “An hour ago they released some of our private photos from our phones.”

The hackers have released the leaked images of Franco and Rogen.  The leaks include a photo of Rogen wearing women’s pantyhose, Franco sleeping on the toilet, and even one of Rogen teaching Franco how to read. “They also put out that one where we tried to be John and Yoko,” Rogen quipped about one of the photos. “I actually like that one,” Franco said. He also used the SNL to blast the hackers of his Instagram account which took place earlier this year.”Also, all the girls that got any Instagram messages from me this year, last year, the hackers did it!” he insisted. “It was the hackers!” The original video has been removed by NBC for some reason, hence we are giving you a YouTube one instead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5NNUt7GFeY Resource : NBC

The Interview star James Franco jokes about Sony Hack Attack on SNL - 55