What is a DDoS attack? A DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) attack is an attempt to make the service from a network unavailable by sending multiple get requests. In this method hackers commonly use botnets to flood the server with multiple get requests in minimum time, which the servers can’t cope up with, causing data overload and service disruption. The Telegram tweeted later confirming the attack, a DDoS, apparently in 10’s of Gigabytes. One of the founders of the Telegram Messenger, Pavel Durov said on Twitter that they had never encountered a attack of this scale (50-60 GB/s).  The Telegram engineers sorted the issue and the App service started working normally.  But unfortunately, the hackers were back with vengeance on Sunday.  Today, Telegram was hit by a another wave of DDoS attack, much more powerful than the last one. The company said they were facing a three time stronger DDoS attack this time and the attack may be about ~150GB/s in size. — Telegram Messenger (@telegram) September 27, 2014 The DDOS attack  has become more and more common these days for the cyber criminals and hactivists, but what is still unknown is that why the hackers targeted the Telegram.  Was it any kind of dispute between the hackers and the company or was it a competitior’s plan, or simply a Ransom demand. — Telegram Messenger (@telegram) September 28, 2014