Webb claims that his Ocumetics Bionic Lens will transform the eye-care industry and this will prove to be a major breakthrough in the eye lens implants. As per Webb, the Bionic Lens is a perfect answer for people who are using corrective lenses and it can be implanted only when the eye structures are developed completely, its for people above 25 years. Webb feels that very soon the contact lenses, driving lens and progressive lens will be obsolete While speaking to the CTV News, Webb showed the Bionic Lens which resembled a tiny button. He said: “This is vision enhancement that the world has never seen before. If you can just barely see the clock at 10 feet, when you get the Bionic Lens you can see the clock at 30 feet away.” Webb also demonstrated how the custom made lens would be filled in the eye using a saline filled syringe and how the small lens that was folded in the syringe finds its way and gets settled within a matter of 10 seconds. Webb explained that usually the natural eye lens gets decayed and hence people need to go for a cataract operation, on the contrary, if a person gets these Bionic lens implanted surgically then they will never ever get cataracts as these lenses will never decay. Webb also mentioned that the procedure of replacing the natural lens with that of Bionic Lens is a painless eight minutes surgery similar to the cataract surgery, further the patient’s eye gets corrected immediately. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCDvz5V4TA8 The CEO of Ocumetics Technology Corp, Dr Webb, has been constantly striving for the last eight years to invent the Bionic Lens, get international patents for his invention and acquire a bio medical manufacturing facility in Delta, B.C. All this has cost the Corp. almost $3 million. It seems Webb had to use corrective lenses since he was in Grade 2. And later as he grew up he had to struggle with his progressive glasses and then he started using contact lenses which were again very much problematic. Thus, he was obsessed to invent specialized lens that would completely remove these corrective lens and glasses from the eye care world. Recently, Dr Webb presented his Bionic Lens to a group of top 14 ophthalmologists in San Diego just before the annual gathering of American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Dr Vincent DeLuise, an ophthalmologist lecturer at Yale University in New Haven, Conn., and at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City had helped Dr Webb to arrange his presentation. He said that surgeons from Australia, United States, Canada, the Dominican Republic were greatly impressed by Dr Webb’s lens and some were eager to join his clinical trials for the new product. Dr Webb feels: “Perfect eyesight should be a human right.” Hence, he has set up a foundation known as Celebration of Sight that donates funds to the organizations that conducts eye surgeries in the developing countries. As of now, the Bionic Lens is still pending for its clinical trials on animals which will be followed by trials on blind human eyes and the required regulatory procedures across various countries. Webb’s Ocumetics Bionic Lens is expected to be ready for sale in next two years.