Facebook has been urging U.S security agency to let them provide more transparency and flexibility around national security orders they have been complying with. as a result Facebook is now able to include a transparency report all U.S. national security-related requests (including FISA as well as National Security Letters) – which until now no company has been permitted to do. For the six months ending December 31, 2012, the total number of user-data requests Facebook received from any and all government entities in the U.S. (including local, state, and federal, and including criminal and national security-related requests) – was between 9,000 and 10,000. These requests run the gamut – from things like a local sheriff trying to find a missing child, to a federal marshal tracking a fugitive, to a police department investigating an assault, to a national security official investigating a terrorist threat. The total number of Facebook user accounts for which data was requested pursuant to the entirety of those 9-10 thousand requests was between 18,000 and 19,000 accounts.with more than 1.1 billion monthly active users this counts only 1% of the total users. Facebook will be trying to save user data from government agency and try to provide more transparency in the request for data. After a intense debate on Various Articles published on internet about the government was obtaining large amounts of user data from wireless carriers and Internet services in a program called PRISM, Ted Ullyot, Facebook General Counsel, finally revels the figure for privacy concerns. Don’t be a silent user let us know what do you think about it in comments below 🙂