All these and more efforts from Microsoft to push Windows 10 down Windows 7 users throats seemed to have failed as per latest stats.

With the trial period of the free upgrade targeted at Windows 7 and 8.1 users expiring in less than 30 days, one would expect Windows 10 to see an upsurge in the adoption of Windows 10 in the coming days. While it does, the only problem for Windows 10 is that Windows 7 shows signs of recovery too. Launched in 2009, the operating system has once again reached 49 percent market share and is climbing towards the 50 percent brink. Third-party market researcher, Net Applications who provided the data for June 2016 has placed Windows 7 on the top spot in the leading desktop operating systems chart with a share of 49.05 percent with Windows 10 following next with 19.14 percent. Therefore, Windows 10 has seen a significant growth last month, increasing from 17.43 percent to 19.14 percent in just one month. Windows 7 enhanced its share too, mounting from 48.57 percent in May to 49.05 percent in June. This is the second growth in a row for Windows 7, after the operating system went down from more than 57 percent back in July 2015, when Windows 10 was officially unveiled. Surprisingly, with a share of 9.78 percent, Windows XP continues to be the third most-used desktop operating system, which is down from 10.09 percent the month earlier. For the first time, Windows XP has fallen below the 10 percent mark indicating that the 15-year-old operating system is only declining at an awfully slow speed. With Mac OS X 10.11 at 4.93 percent market share and Linux at just 2.02 percent market share, Windows continues to have no competition on the desktop. While there is no doubt that Windows 10 will continue to better in the coming months, it will also be exciting to see how Windows 7 fares after the expiry of the free upgrade promotion.

Despite Microsoft s Windows 10 nagware  more users are reverting to Windows 7   TechWorm - 50