On April 14, 1912, the Titanic struck an iceberg late at night and sank some 2 hours and 40 minutes later, early on the morning of April 15. Created as part of an upcoming video game that allows players to experience exactly what it was like to be on the doomed voyage, the animation sees the tragedy unfold as it happened for the first time since the ship sank in 1912. This simulation includes the iceberg strike, the ship coasting to a halt in the North Atlantic about 20 minutes later, visuals of various interior rooms flooding, lifeboats launching, rockets firing, and the Californian on the horizon. The animation also includes text frequently appearing with what is happening on board the ship. More than two-thirds of the ship’s total population, which is some 1500 died when Titanic sank. However, the animation shows no people. Also, there is no dying Leonardo DiCaprio in sight. Watch the recreation above, created with Unreal Engine 4 to promote an upcoming game called “Titanic: Honor and Glory.”

Do remember this video is pretty long (2.41)!