— ~#GhostSquadHackers (@GhostSquadHack) May 31, 2016 The operation will be run similarly to #OpIcarus, a month-long series of attacks by Anonymous against banks, that took place in the month of May .” The nine-hacker group briefly took down the websites for the centrals banks of countries like Greece, Mexico and Bosnia under #OpIcarus. #OpSilence is an operation which targets mainstream media for their ignorance on the genocide that has been going on in Palestine, and what is truly happening in Syria and all over the world,” Sc0rp10n Gh0s7, leader of Ghost Squad Hackers said. https://twitter.com/s1ege_/status/737839575087886336 Ghost Squad Hackers are easily the most active faction of Anonymous of late, claiming responsibility for many of 2016’s biggest hacking incidents, including attacks on the KKK homepage and a handful of Brazilian government websites. Though one of its members claimed they were not associated with Anonymous. https://twitter.com/s1ege_/status/738149215486894080 Other targets for the upcoming Anonymous operation will be media outlets that “have the power to send a message but who are instead covering up the government’s mess,” Sc0rp10n Gh0s7 said. We are awaiting response from Fox and CNN about their servers being DDoSed and will update the story.