Members: Mauritania Attacker (founder and admin) – Virusa Worm – SpitFir3 – ManSyk3z – Deto Beiber – BL4ckc0d1n6 – Dr.SàM!M_008 – Sky Lion – Kais Patron – Ian Surgent – B0o3nAs – Gbs Aremiey – Mr Domoz – RetnOHacK – Tak Dikenal – Chahid inj3ctor – b3ta – Rehber Khan – AnonxoxTN – Spec Tre – PsyferR – Raka 3r00t – Gh0st_3xp10!t – PirateX – kopra1337 – Bl4ck Jorozz – Riad Spamer – VirUs AsEr AlrOoh – Younes Lmaghribi – Zaky – Joker Inside – AreTheiS Projects: #OpIsrael, #OpUSA, #OpPETROL Anon Ghost 2.When did u find your interest in hacking? Anon Ghost: we were Teamr00t , we launched AnonGhost 7 months ago 7.Is there any project, which you thought you should not have done, yes or no,, may be you would like to tell us about it? Anon Ghost: i don’t think so , we are able to do anything we want , all projects has been done successfully , we have good choice and we do not listen to people if we want to do something , we see all things in the positive side 8.HAVE YOU GOT YOUR ACCOUNT HACKED EVER? Anon Ghost: haha never ever , and this is the thing that will never happen , and we are sure 10000000000000% hacking us is called impossible. 9.ever got into trouble due to hacking? Anon Ghost: no never , we are organzized Team , that’s why , we are united , we stand together , we are like a family 10. 5 hackers which are your inspiration. or you like them most? Anon Ghost: well , i think there is only one he is called Farid Essabar from Morocco his nickname is Diablo 11.Which method would you use, to breach into small websites? Anon Ghost: we use priv8 methods , we do not use programs or any software , we do only manual hacking , no BACKTRACK , no Metasploit , and just to remind you we do not breach small websites 12.Would you like to give some security tips, to our readers and ofcourse me:) ?   13.Got something else that you want to share, with your friends, your enemy and the entire world?