1. Building Business Networks

Most people use social media to connect with friends and family. However, the same platforms have enabled entrepreneurs to connect with other successful entrepreneurs. Consultants can connect with potential clients and other consultants on social media. Social media offers new consultants an opportunity to learn from others. Through LinkedIn, a consultant can identify potential clients that may require his or her services. LinkedIn is the best social platform for professionals in the same field to connect. In addition, followers and connections on social media can refer consultants to potential clients. However, consultants must be aggressive without being overbearing in requesting for referrals and engaging their connections in business conversations.

  1. Building Business Networks2. Blogging3. Engaging Users4. Advertising5. Online SurveysConclusion

2. Blogging

Some social platforms limit users to a specific number of characters in each post. Short posts may not be enough for a consultant to establish a strong brand online. Blogging offers a good opportunity for consultants to express their ideas online. Consultants can brand themselves as experts in a certain field through informative blog posts. If readers find the posts helpful, they will share the content on social media. Consultants should encourage their followers and readers to share their content with their connections.

3. Engaging Users

While posting good content on social media is a great start, it’s not enough. Consultants must go a step further and engage users in topics that are of interest to them. Successful online entrepreneurs like Sam Ovens have built their businesses by engaging social media users. Consultants must set aside enough time every day to respond to comments and queries from their followers. Clients develop trust in a brand that engages them in conversations daily.

4. Advertising

One way to increase the number of followers on social media is through advertising. Some platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter allow users to advertise their posts or accounts. Through advertising, users can reach a wider audience with their posts. Advertising is a great way to increase brand visibility on social media and reach new audiences. Advertised posts are visible to all social media users that fit the consultant’s description of the target audience.

5. Online Surveys

Feedback from clients is important because it enables consultants to improve their services. One quick way to get feedback from clients is to post a query on social media. Consultants should be prepared for all kinds of responses when they conduct such surveys. However, the feedback will help them to offer better services and attract more customers in the future.


Consultants can use social media platforms effectively to reach new clients and establish a reputable brand online. The professionals can connect with other professionals in the field and get referrals to new clients. Independent consultants must be willing to invest their time and sometimes money to reap maximum benefits from social media. Users trust individuals and brands that engage them in conversations and share informative content. Social media is also a great opportunity for consultants to market their services with low marketing budgets.